Pavement Repairs
The key to increasing the life of your driveway or parking lot and maintaining its integrity is regular maintenance. Repairing pavement failures as they occur will help prevent large, expensive repairs in the future, as well as avoiding dangerous trip hazards and damaging potholes. Asphalt repairs are done with hot mix asphalt, and are considered temporary solutions to avoid the expense of resurfacing or replacing your entire driveway or parking lot. Minor repairs can be done with cold patch, which can be expected to last a few months to a year. The four methods of asphalt repair we offer are:
Infrared Patching
Infrared patching uses infrared heat to reheat the existing pavement to 400 degrees, then, we scarify the heated area, add new virgin asphalt to the heated area, level with a lute and compact with a roller. Infrared patching creates a patch with no cold seams as it makes a hot asphalt to hot asphalt bond. This works excellent when repairing potholes as this easily outlasts any cold patch. Infrared repairs can be expected to last approximately five years.
Surface/Skin Patching
Surface patching is the easiest way to repair asphalt when the base is sound. This may also be the preferred option for the “budget minded” when appropriate. The procedure starts by cleaning and prepping the area of the patch, applying a glue or “tack coat” and finishing with a compacted layer of hot mix asphalt. Expect the surface of the patch to be slightly higher than the rest of the existing pavement. Surface patching is reasonably priced, and repairs can be expected to last approximately two to five years.
Remove and Replace
Remove and replace is the best way to repair asphalt when it has become severely deteriorated and the base is defective. This requires saw cutting for neat, clean edges, and the removal of asphalt. Once the asphalt is removed, the stone base should be inspected for soundness before the asphalt is replaced. Hot mix asphalt is then installed and compacted. If sealcoating is added to this type of patch, you can expect the surface to blend nicely with the original asphalt. This method is usually three times the cost of surface patching, and repairs can be expected to last approximately ten to fifteen years.
Emergency Pot Hole/ Asphalt Repair
Great Lakes Asphalt Solutions offers emergency asphalt repairs of potholes and other detrimental imperfections in your asphalt year around. Holes in your asphalt represent a tripping hazard to pedestrians and can cause damage to vehicles that run over them creating a liability for the owner. In most instances, we can have your repair completed within 24 hours of you contacting us. We use Perma-Patch that can be used rain or shine and in any temperature. It can even be applied to areas where standing water is present without any adverse effects. This material is not like typical cold patch that cures over time as the hydrocarbon solvents evaporate. Perma-Patch that Great Lakes Asphalt Solutions uses sets up through dynamic pressure rather than evaporation which means that by immediately exposing it to traffic helps speed up the setting or curing process. Perma-Patch is so strong that in most cases it outlast the surrounding hot mix asphalt so it is considered a permanent repair.
Seal Coating
Seal Coating is an easy, inexpensive way to maintain your asphalt. Sealcoat can be a coal tar or asphalt based liquid product that is designed to be applied onto structurally sound asphalt pavement. When applied to structurally sound asphalt, sealer does two things; first, it dramatically slows down the oxidization or aging process of asphalt, and second, it provides a wearing service for traffic so that tires wear off the sealer and not the sand and stone that make up your asphalt pavement. There are three methods for applying sealer, by brush, by squeegee, and through a pressurized spray wand. We always use the brush method for applying sealer as it simply puts more sealer on the pavement and distributes the sealer much more uniformly than either spray or squeegee. Also, with spray, you run the risk of getting over spray on concrete, buildings, or landscape stone or timber. Seal Coating will greatly improve the appearance of your asphalt, giving it a deeper black color and doing away with the dull, grayed appearance caused by oxidation, sunlight, water, and the damaging effects of petroleum derivatives such as oil and gas.
Crack Repairs
It’s important to seal cracks to keep water out and prevent erosion of the paving base. Hot rubber crack sealing is the best way to achieve this.
We use the overband method as it is the simplest and most cost effective way to perform hot rubber crack sealing. The cracks are blown clean and then filled with hot rubber sealant using a bander that leaves rubber a few inches on each side of the crack. This method is used on all of our projects. We cover as we go with Boiler Slag/Black Beauty so that when we seal over the rubber the sealer has something other than rubber to adhere to and help prevent car tires sticking to the rubber on hot summer days.
We offer both new layout and existing layout striping services, including: single lines, double lines, handicapped stalls, arrows, letters/numbers, curb painting, bumper blocks, light pole bases, and stencils.

Free Estimates
Jim has sealcoated my driveway a couple times now. Has done a great job both times. Highly recommend them.
Primary Communities Served
Grand Ledge
St Johns